The 3 Phases of Energy alignment energetic empowerment energy phases life energy push pause pull Apr 11, 2024

Perhaps you might want to get comfortable and grab a cuppa before we get into this.

The reason this is important is because I have been seeing and chatting with quite a few people, and there is a common pattern that I noticed. That pattern is hearing people say they are 'lost', 'stuck',...

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Uncover the Benefits of Developing Your Intuition alignment development inna powa intuition Jan 11, 2024

We all have inner wisdom that can guide us on the path of life. This is typically referred to as our intuition, and developing it can bring a range of benefits, from increasing our self-awareness to improving decision-making.

Do you experience a faint, nagging sensation in the back of your mind...

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Don't Make a Resolution, Make a Commitment! alignment commitment courage self well-being Dec 26, 2023

New Year's resolutions are a widely accepted tradition, but too often the enthusiasm for change wears off before we can enjoy the rewards of our effort.

The start of a New Year brings about a sense of renewal and hope for the future. Resolutions are often made with that hopeful attitude,...

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