Disconnected & Disenchanted

Spirit win again! Spirit 2 - Pete 0 at this point! 
Grab your cuppa - here we go!
If I could jump and talk about this I would as it would be easier, but that most likely would mean waking everyone else up and I would like to have a nice breakfast with my family tomorrow morning 
Be careful what you wish for people!! 🫣
Alas, here I am again at Spirit hour just being prompted by a million and one things. The past couple of weeks have been different, difficult, and huge in more ways than one. It started with the passing of my Dad, then being hit by the flu hard a day after that which knocked me for six. Throughout this period I had no choice but to stop. Everything got put on hold and then as I started to feel more like me physically, I didn’t feel so emotionally or physically. The words that came to me were - disconnected and disenchanted.
Yes, my Dad’s passing played a part in this, but not in the way you think. I have now come to realise that through my Dad’s passing I was still not happy. Something was missing. Then I realised I was not allowing myself or giving myself the permission to live my life to the fullest. I had pulled back the reins a bit and was getting complacent. Now here I am again.
Last night, my Dad visited me both in dream state and physically. I dreamt that we were asking where he was and then the image of the good old 404 error (a broken link on a website) appeared. In that moment I was woken up ever so slightly to the feeling of a warm presence and tingle all over my body with the whisper of, “It’s okay, I’m here”. I felt it and heard it. I told myself you need to remember this when you wake up. That I did and I’m blessed I have. 
Over the course of the last week, I have been reviewing everything and now after that dream in combination with a beautiful whisper from my Dad, I have decided to throw out the rule book. I realised that everything that has got me to where I am has majority been me and how I have felt things should be and happen. However, recently I have taken in and tried to fit too much into moulds that others have given me. This, coupled with me not doing what I do best - listening to myself and spirit, have led to this, of being disconnected and disenchanted with life. I wanted to blame the outside circumstances, I wanted to blame Spirit for not making things move fast enough, but the truth is that it was me and I was not aligned. 
Now being prompted and inspired by my Dad in Spirit, I have decided to get on with dreaming and thinking big again. I have been reminded of why I am here and do what I do - to help heal and guide souls. But now I have been reminded that I am here to - help heal, guide & INSPIRE souls! 
Then just like that, things flow and Spirit are right there with me backing me the whole. Now to the point where they are waking me up at Spirit hour (3:30am hence be careful what you wish for) and the dreams of a huge jigsaw puzzle being completed. Now that’s super symbolic. 
I have now come back to the point of TRUST, ACT, and then FIGURE THE REST OUT LATER. This process has been what has contributed to my growth, success, and love of life. I lost my way a little by trying to fit into other people’s moulds, but instead of trying to do or live that way, I have learnt and taken what I need from them and now apply it back to what works for me.
I know this is a slight saga, but if you have made it this far I will you with one last message - 
You are unique and you are here to live. Inspiration and clues for you are everywhere, you just need to be willing to see them, but more importantly, ACT on them. Live your life your way! 
Always in your corner,
Peter - Spiritual PT

50% Complete

Two Step

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