Disconnected & Disenchanted

Spirit win again! Spirit 2 - Pete 0 at this point! 
Grab your cuppa - here we go!
If I could jump and talk about this I would as it would be easier, but that most likely would mean waking everyone else up and I would like to have a nice breakfast with my family tomorrow morning 
Be careful what you wish for people!! 🫣
Alas, here I am again at Spirit hour just being prompted by a million and one things. The past couple of weeks have been different, difficult, and huge in more ways than one. It started with the passing of my Dad, then being hit by the flu hard a day after that which knocked me for six. Throughout this period I had no choice but to stop. Everything got put on hold and then as I started to feel more like me physically, I didn’t feel so emotionally or physically. The words that came to me were - disconnected and disenchanted.
Yes, my Dad’s passing played a part in this, but not in the way you think. I have now...
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