Meditation Struggles and Insights

8 tips energy meditation Aug 26, 2024

Have you ever thought or said to yourself, "I can't meditate," "I don't have time to meditate," or "My mind never turns off?" If you answer yes to any of these statements, you really ought to practice meditation. I often hear these expressions, prompting me to write this article about meditation struggles and insights.

At events and Q&As, people often ask me, "How do I begin this journey?" "How do I start to connect?" or "How do I start to work with energy?" Meditation is usually the answer. Meditation, over time, has taken on many forms and meanings, confusing a lot of people. The problem stems from not teaching or altering it to match our fast-paced society.

The surprising impact of social media! 

Consider social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. They are constantly evolving, which modifies the way we think and approach things in society. Reels were formerly limited to one minute. TikTok videos were also generated with a short viewing period....

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Our Passing Pets

afterlife grief love pets spirit Jul 25, 2024

This blog was inspired by a beautiful friend of mine and the unexpected passing of her beloved fur baby. As someone who grew up with animals and pets, I understand how some people regard their fur babies as children and family members. I am right there with you, and I thought this would be a good time to talk about our fur babies and their passing.

I'm going to leave you with a nice little thought at the end of this. It may sit with you. It may not, but it's okay; please know that it's coming from a genuine place of support and love.

I am a professional medium, which means connecting to the other side with the energy. So, a very common question I get asked is, "Hey Pete, can our pets come through?" The answer to that is yes. Pure and simple. Yes, they can.

If the animal or your fur baby makes himself known, I will bring them through. Our pets have a beautiful conscious state, and while they may not have the same level of consciousness as humans, they have their own experiences. But...

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Stepping Into The Vision

I recently had the pleasure of recording a podcast with Jane Musgrave, who has an absolutely sparkling soul; her energy is bubbly and infectious.

Jane recently completed my Inna Powa Accelerator and Achievers program. It's been great to watch her grow, switch on, own, and move toward her vision. She is truly inspirational, and I'm excited to share with you, her journey.

Prior to enrolling in the program, Jane had been at a point in her life where she felt completely lost; life had become a routine of going to work, earning money, returning home, eating, and sleeping. And she asked herself, "Honestly, what am I doing here? Why am I here?" She felt depressed and was in a very dark place in her life.

Jane felt like she was stuck in a rut and needed a fresh start, so she sold everything, left Brisbane, drove down to Melbourne, boarded the Spirit of Tasmania, and relocated her life to Tasmania.

After arriving in Tasmania, the fog lifted and life for Jane improved; however, routine set in...

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The Soul Surge

energy soul the soul surge Jul 01, 2024

As I look back over the last 18 months, one thing that leaps out is the significant energy shifts that have transformed me on a soul level. This phase has been a rollercoaster of emotions, obstacles, and, eventually, progress, which I have dubbed "The Soul Surge".

So, as you read this blog post, I will walk you through my own experience, and the most important thing is that I encourage you to look for your own parallels. You might notice that you and I have had comparable experiences in terms of time. Or, if not so much parallel, you may discover that you are still in a particular phase of this energy, which is fine, but this may help to give you a little bit of hope and clarity once you have completed the phase that you are in.

It's been a very difficult 18 months for me, with a lot going on and hard for me to describe. In a prior podcast episode, I spoke about different types of energy (036: Three Phases Of Life Energy). And when I talk about the three stages of energy, you could...

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The 3 Phases of Energy

Perhaps you might want to get comfortable and grab a cuppa before we get into this.

The reason this is important is because I have been seeing and chatting with quite a few people and there is a common pattern that I noticed. That pattern is hearing people say they are 'lost', 'stuck', 'overwhelmed', or even 'burnt out' or close to doing so. Have you noticed yourself feeling these or saying these? If you have there is good news and bad news. Let's get the bad news out of the way first.

The bad news is that these things are warning signs. They are warning signs that you are no longer in sync with yourself and your own energy. Of course, the important thing here is that you really need to pay attention to them otherwise things in your life can and will deteriorate. Now for the GOOD NEWS! The good news here is that when you are experiencing these moments and feelings it is the deeper part of you showing you that there is more available to you. It is showing and telling...

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5 Reasons YOU’RE NOT Living

I don’t think many people know this about me, but it took close to THREE years before I decided to quit my day job and take charge of my own life and start my path as a spiritual entrepreneur.


Do you think you can hang on for that long? Could you go 3 years or go another 3 years feeling the way you do? Feeling like life is being sucked out of you? Tired and burnt out? Frustrated and irritable with those around you? Feeling as though everyone around you is moving on and you are struggling to keep your head above water. Most people just concede defeat, give up, stop believing in themselves and become numb. That’s why I’m committed to helping people take action to connect back to themselves and shorten the time frame I experienced. So, in order to make sure that this doesn’t become your life, we must identify what causes people to take so long to really BE themselves.

Here are the TOP 5 reasons why it takes so long for people to stop themselves from...

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Uncover the Benefits of Developing Your Intuition

We all have inner wisdom that can guide us on the path of life. This is typically referred to as our intuition, and developing it can bring a range of benefits; from increasing our self-awareness to improving decision-making.

Do you experience a faint, nagging sensation in the back of your mind when confronted with a decision, yet have no idea what it is or what it's trying to tell you?

Perhaps it's the fluttering of a thousand butterflies in your belly that ignites curiosity, and you find yourself longing to know more!

That’s your INTUITION!

We all possess it, but so many of us fail to comprehend how to sharpen our senses and unlock its potential.

Intuition can be defined as the act of relying on instinctive knowledge or immediate understanding rather than conscious reasoning or observation. It is an innate capacity that draws upon a vast array of subconscious information and allows for rapid, often accurate decision-making. Intuition is an involuntary cognitive process...

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Don't Make a Resolution, Make a Commitment!

New Year's resolutions are a widely accepted tradition, but too often the enthusiasm for change wears off before we can enjoy the rewards of our effort.

The start of a New Year brings about a sense of renewal and hope for the future. Resolutions are often made with that hopeful attitude, promising to make a change in our lives in the coming months. However, these resolutions often remain the same as years before: losing weight, joining a gym, eating healthier, spending more time with family and friends, getting a new job, saving money, taking that trip and so on. Year after year we strive to make changes in our lives that seem all too familiar and yet somehow still unattainable, with many of us struggling to keep our promises to ourselves.

But why do resolutions fall by the wayside each year?

Let’s take a deeper look into the concept of what a resolution is…it’s a declaration of intent that functions as a means of attaining a set target or outcome. It does not...

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The Benefits of Working with Your Guides

Connecting with your guides and loved ones is a natural ability that all of us have; however, sometimes, it can be tricky to understand how to connect or recognise when it is happening.

First and foremost, learning to connect with your Spirit Guides is a unique and personal journey. No two experiences are the same, nor should they be. We are all individuals with our own paths and personalities…our Spirit Guides are no different.

It takes time, persistence, trust, and motivation to work at it and hone your skills. BUT…once you do, the feeling & experiences will blow your mind, and they will stay with you forever! PLUS, you now have a lifelong tool that can help you throughout your life; no matter where you are on your journey, you will always know your guides are by your side.

The support you feel when connecting with your guides is expansive beyond words. Their love for you knows no bounds, and they are always by your side, ready and waiting for you to ask for...

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Disconnected & Disenchanted

Spirit win again! Spirit 2 - Pete 0 at this point! 
Grab your cuppa - here we go!
If I could jump and talk about this I would as it would be easier, but that most likely would mean waking everyone else up and I would like to have a nice breakfast with my family tomorrow morning 
Be careful what you wish for people!! 🫣
Alas, here I am again at Spirit hour just being prompted by a million and one things. The past couple of weeks have been different, difficult, and huge in more ways than one. It started with the passing of my Dad, then being hit by the flu hard a day after that which knocked me for six. Throughout this period I had no choice but to stop. Everything got put on hold and then as I started to feel more like me physically, I didn’t feel so emotionally or physically. The words that came to me were - disconnected and disenchanted.
Yes, my Dad’s passing played a part in this, but not in the way you think. I have now...
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