5 for 5 Meditation Challenge

**We will send you this challenge via email so please be sure to click "Subscribe to our email list" AND most importantly, double check your email is spelt correctly. If this isn't completed properly, you won't be sent the challenge emails.**

5 mins for 5 days, that's all it takes. This challenge is a great way to kickstart or reboot your love for meditation. You'll receive emails each day of this challenge with tips, idea's and motivation to keep you going with the option to share your results in our private Facebook Group.

✨ Watch the pre-recorded zoom where I explain more about meditation and tips to help you succeed (also includes your first meditation to follow along with)

✨ Challenge starts the day after you sign up, for 5 days straight

✨ Emails arrive to your inbox early each morning

✨ Easy to follow instructions, nothing to overwhelm you

✨ Share your success with others 

✨ Start to improve your skills in the comfort of your own home

✨ Receive my most popular meditation to finish off your challenge

✨ Keep these emails and meditations on hand and re-do this challenge any time you wish, without needing to re-purchase. 

Feel free to pay what you think this challenge will be worth. Can be $1, can be $5 or even $10. Whatever you wish to pay, is totally up to you.

What People Are Saying:

OMG I just sat and did your guided meditation "The Cabin". It was the most amazing meditation I have done. After feeling lost and low this morning, it really gave me clarity and direction. I now know what I need to deal with to move forward. I have sat and journaled my inner thoughts and feelings with tears rolling down my cheeks. Thank you Peter.

Karen Murphy

I just finished your 5 day meditation challenge. I didn't know I would like meditation as much as I have! Will certainly be continuing with it. Thank you Peter.

Melinda Crain

$1.00 AUD or more