Quick Guide to Number Sequences & Signs

Do you see number sequences a lot? Are you seeing 111, 555, 11:11, 12:34? Are they in overdrive? Are you confused by the meaning? Perhaps you are seeing them that often you are now you asking the Universe, "Seriously! WTF are you trying to tell me!?"

If you answered 'yes' to any of the the above them maybe, just maybe I might be able to help you out. I say 'maybe' purely because I take on a slightly different view point with number sequences and signs than the widely recognized Angel numbers. I use a mix of numerology and tarot insights to derive my meanings and you the best part is - I like to keep it simple so you do not get confused or overwhelmed by the meanings. Now before we jump into, a few friendly reminders -

  • This is not gospel. If you don't resonate with the meanings that is totally okay and you can hit up google again.
  • Just because you don't like the meaning, doesn't mean that it isn't right for you. There is a difference!
  • Yes, you can have multiple numbers so have...
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Roses Are Red - NO They Are White!

The work I do with Spirit is always special, but sometimes it is when you get to revisit a connection it can remind of how truly unique it is. 

When in the middle of an event or even in a private session, you can be so caught in the 'action' (the channeling), that you only really remember snippets of what came through. After all, the message is for someone else and really has no direct meaning to the medium in question so we stay with the flow and keep going. Therefore, it is when the client or recipient takes time out to message and make us aware of what was said and what it meant, that the power of this work can really sink in. Here is a case in point, with a lovely lady named Rosemary that messaged in with her story and her connection.

It was a timely reminder for me of how important this work is and that if you are looking to hear from your passed loved ones, be patient, believe it will happen and wait for the magic to happen. For when it does you will feel the way Rosemary...

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This is one question that I have been asked a lot recently and is a very common one when you work in this profession so I thought it best that I share my thoughts on this topic and try to explain it so one might have a better understanding.

The short answer to this question is obviously answering in terms of a time frame, but while I will address this I will also cover other areas that can have an affect on your loved ones ability to communicate with you once they have passed over.

An absolute minimum time you should wait before seeking to communicate with your passed loved one is 3 months! However, it would be wise to try and wait for 6 months.

Whilst there is nothing to say that your loved one is not around immediately after their passing, it is important to allow them time to adjust to their new surroundings. Some of my clients have been very fortunate to have their loved ones come...

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