Some of you may recall way back in July, Joshua Fox from The Daily Mail interviewed me to get my take on an intriguing story surrounding David Campbell’s four-year-old son Billy who believed he was Diana, the “People’s” Princess who died in a car accident in 1997.

David Campbell, son of legendary Jimmie Barnes, went public with the story in the Sunday Telegraph’s Stellar Magazine, explaining that his son Billy first identified as Diana when he was two years old. The little boy had apparently pointed at a photograph of Diana and said, ‘Then one day the sirens came and I wasn’t a princess anymore’.

Since the news of that story and the subsequent interview broke, I’ve been meaning to put a few words together on the subject of psychic kids. It’s one of these topics I actually get asked about quite a lot.

People want to know, how they can tell whether their kid is psychic, or what they should do if they...

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