The purpose of this little exercise is to receive some insight about yourself. The idea is to simply choose what colour is really standing out for you in the picture. It is important to go with the one that grabs your attention and not necessarily the colour you like. You need to be honest with yourself and perhaps these little insights might help you discover what area you need to be paying attention to, working on and/or healing.

Of course, each colour has its own meaning, but should not be able to choose just one then you can take the meanings of each separate colour and combine their meanings. The meanings will be given in order from top to bottom as represented in the picture.


Violet/Crown – Connection

This chakra represents the area where we connect fully spiritually and is the conduit between our physical self and the universe. If this area was the one you chose, then you may be having some concerns around beauty/self-image and what it really means to you. This...

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Roses Are Red - NO They Are White!

The work I do with Spirit is always special, but sometimes it is when you get to revisit a connection it can remind of how truly unique it is. 

When in the middle of an event or even in a private session, you can be so caught in the 'action' (the channeling), that you only really remember snippets of what came through. After all, the message is for someone else and really has no direct meaning to the medium in question so we stay with the flow and keep going. Therefore, it is when the client or recipient takes time out to message and make us aware of what was said and what it meant, that the power of this work can really sink in. Here is a case in point, with a lovely lady named Rosemary that messaged in with her story and her connection.

It was a timely reminder for me of how important this work is and that if you are looking to hear from your passed loved ones, be patient, believe it will happen and wait for the magic to happen. For when it does you will feel the way Rosemary...

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