Tips For Parenting the Intuitive Child

When I awoke this morning, I noticed my little man (who is six), lying there in between my wife and me. He has developed the habit of jumping into our bed in the early hours of the morning. Now I confess I am always at odds with myself about this habit. On one hand I believe that we need to get firm and puts the boundary in place to stop him from doing it so often. Then on the other I cannot help looking at his beautiful innocent little sleeping face and start to question just how many more mornings are we going to have like this? To me those are the moments that we must not take for granted. After all, when he does wake, we have the most spell bounding conversations.

Take for instance the other morning when we all started to wake. We laid there and he places one hand around my wife, one hand around me, pats us lightly as he looks up at the ceiling and softly says, “Ahhhh…my family. Love you mumma. Love you Dadda.” How could that not just melt your heart? Shortly...

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