Some of you may recall way back in July, Joshua Fox from The Daily Mail interviewed me to get my take on an intriguing story surrounding David Campbell’s four-year-old son Billy who believed he was Diana, the “People’s” Princess who died in a car accident in 1997.

David Campbell, son of legendary Jimmie Barnes, went public with the story in the Sunday Telegraph’s Stellar Magazine, explaining that his son Billy first identified as Diana when he was two years old. The little boy had apparently pointed at a photograph of Diana and said, ‘Then one day the sirens came and I wasn’t a princess anymore’.

Since the news of that story and the subsequent interview broke, I’ve been meaning to put a few words together on the subject of psychic kids. It’s one of these topics I actually get asked about quite a lot.

People want to know, how they can tell whether their kid is psychic, or what they should do if they...

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For those of you who saw those news headlines this week about David Campbell and his four-year old son’s claims that he was the reincarnation of Princess Diana, you may find you’ve been left with more questions than answers.

David Campbell, son of legendary Jimmie Barnes, went public in the Sunday Telegraph’s Stellar Magazine on Sunday, explaining that his son Billy first identified as Diana when he was two years old. The little boy had apparently pointed at a photograph of Diana and said, ‘Then one day the sirens came and I wasn’t a princess anymore’. 

Joshua Fox from the Daily Mail contacted me for my take on the story – and you can read that interview here.

So – reincarnation – what’s it all about? Could this story actually be...

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It’s finally here!

My book ‘Searching Spirit’ is out now! A lifetime in the making and a year to write. Boy I can’t tell you how good it felt to finally hold a preview copy in my hands.

So what’s it about I hear you say? Well here’s an excerpt taken from the back of the book blurb …

“Peter Williams has always had a searching spirit. He had a growing awareness of something else out there, another layer beyond his understanding; he had to know more. As a teenager, he turned to the Internet seeking answers to other worldly questions. That’s where his search began and he had his first connections with spirit, a connection that set Williams on a path of learning as an attentive student of spirit.

In Searching Spirit, Williams chronicles his life story, telling how many years later, while pursuing his teaching ambitions in Japan, a cataclysmic event shook the foundations of his world to reveal the true nature of the...

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This is one question that I have been asked a lot recently and is a very common one when you work in this profession so I thought it best that I share my thoughts on this topic and try to explain it so one might have a better understanding.

The short answer to this question is obviously answering in terms of a time frame, but while I will address this I will also cover other areas that can have an affect on your loved ones ability to communicate with you once they have passed over.

An absolute minimum time you should wait before seeking to communicate with your passed loved one is 3 months! However, it would be wise to try and wait for 6 months.

Whilst there is nothing to say that your loved one is not around immediately after their passing, it is important to allow them time to adjust to their new surroundings. Some of my clients have been very fortunate to have their loved ones come...

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children loss miscarriage soul Feb 05, 2019

Last Saturday, I had the privilege of reading for a client who was very open to whatever or to whoever came through in her personal session with me. It surprised both of us when the first visitor just happened to be a 5 year old boy. When I opened myself up to the Spirit world he was not shy about coming forward, but one thing did concern me was that he stood beside me and not my client. This is Spirit’s way of telling me how they are related or connected to the client. By standing beside me he was informing me that  he was far removed from my client. I must admit I was frustrated as I knew Spirit were going to make me work extra hard and it was my first session for the day! To make things a little harder he proceeded to tell me that he passed away as an infant and gave me very little detail about his family. I relayed the information to the client who returned a very puzzled look. I would not have blamed her as this was a little out of the norm. To her credit, she...

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For those who have been following or stalking me on social media you will know that I recently had an absolute nightmare of a time with my website. It was hacked and that led to me losing emails, contact details and more importantly bookings! Try as one might, there are somethings you just cannot control. This was certainly one of them. It has been a nightmare to reorganize everyone and again I thank everyone for their patience. Now while it may seem there was no rhyme or reason to my site being collateral damage in the server hack, it was not until this afternoon that I find out why some things happen the way they do.

In this case my client my was an older lady and she was keen to come and see me after her daughter recommended me. So the appointment was made back in November 2015. Once we sat down in my office and I opened up as I usually do and I could sense a lady coming through. The lady in spirit was very forthcoming and gave me a lot of detail. However, my client said that she...

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